Given how old PS3 and 360 are and how much more powerful even a modest PC is than these geriatric consoles, then the absolute poorness of this game is staggering. GFX the same, features removed and worst of all the "online" version of the game is just a 3 month membership to the VERY expensive electronic arts PGA online that really is crud (download Golfstar instread, it's better and it's totally free). If you've bought a PC version of this game before (2008 was the last I think) then in many ways this is a HUGE downgrade. The golfers themselves are decently animated but nothing like as complex in appearance as the PS3 or 360 version. The images just seem "blown up" versions of very low res gfx. The graphics - although now supporting 1920x1080 rez are very VERY poor indeed. This is similar to the VERY expensive to play online version that EA put out. This is not the same game as the 360 or PS3 version.